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Cornelia Leach
SRB Teacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Nicky Rosier
SRB Teaching Assistant


Debbie James
SRB Teaching Assistant, 


All staff in the SRB have a vast amount of experience in working with children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder and have undertaken additional training to support their role. Miss Leach is a qualified SENDCo and all staff have specific ASD qualifications; Step On and Step Up training to de-escalate behaviours; training about emotional literacy, mental health and self-harm, anxieties, Social Stories, Zones of Regulations and more.  

All staff at the Nelson Academy have regular training on the Equality Act 2010. This legislation places specific duties on schools, settings and providers including the duty not to discriminate, harass or victimise a child or adult linked to a protected characteristic defined in the Equality Act and to make ‘reasonable adjustments.’  

The Equality Act 210 definition of disability is:  

“A person has a disability for the purposes of this Act if (s)he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his ability to carry out normal day-to day activities.”  

Section 1(1) Disability Discrimination Act 1995  

This definition of disability in the Equality Act includes children with long term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, and cancer. Children and young people with such conditions do not necessarily have SEN, but there is a significant overlap between disabled children and young people and those with SEN. Children and young people may therefore be covered by both SEN and disability legislation.  

For more information about the Equality Act, the protected characteristics or duties on public bodies, please click here