Please see below all the news and events from FON.
You can email us at
FON Family Easter Bingo Friday 28th March 2025
FON Christmas Bingo Friday 6th December 2024
FON School Disco Friday 15th November 2024
FON are teaming up with Pupil Parliament
FON School Disco Friday 1st March 2024
Earth Day April 2024
FON School Disco Friday 13 October 2023
Thank You Teacher
In order to celebrate our incredible teachers and staff at Nelson Academy, FON are putting on a staff quiz night to support staff well-being and thank them for all that they do! We will be putting on a little spread of drinks and nibbles on Wednesday July 19th. As the word got out, some parents have asked FON if they can donate sweets and treats to show their appreciation. We wanted to give everyone the chance to do the same! Donations can be left at the office, or children may delivery the treats themselves to Wren Class. Our children are very lucky to have you Nelson Staff….FON can’t wait to thank you properly!
NELFEST 22nd September 2023
Nelfest is coming to Nelson Academy on Friday 22nd September. Make sure you save the date!
Non-Uniform Day Friday 23rd June 2023
To help FON prepare for the Summer Fayre, Nel would like you to enjoy a NON-UNIFORM day!
Instead of cash, we were hoping for raffle prize donations. Due to the HUGE success of our previous 'Bottle in a bag’ stall, we were hoping to run another one! Your donations could help us! Bottles could be anything....water, toiletries or grown up drinks (please give grown up drinks directly to the office). Thank you for your support in advance!
Summer Fayre Friday 7th July 2023- TO BE RESCHDULED
Would you like a stall? If so, please comment below...the price for parents/carers will be £5 and the price for external businesses will be £10.
Due to circumstances out of our control, we have had to postpone our summer fayre. Please stay tuned for updates….. and FON’s plan B 🐘
We are pleased to announce that we will be supporting all sports day events and theatre club’s amazing Mary Poppins performances.
Look out for Nelfest which is coming in September!
Your School Lottery
School Disco Friday 19th May 2023
Nelvin is very excited to announce that the next Disco will be on Friday 19th May.
We are making a few changes, to make the discos a little less busy and loud for the little ones.....
4:30-5:30pm RECEPTION and YEAR 1. Their theme will be Princes, Princesses and fairytales....dressing up is HIGHLY encouraged!
6:00-7:00pm YEAR 2, YEAR 3 and YEAR 4
7:30-8:30pm YEAR 5 and YEAR 6
The theme for years 2-6 will be RED, WHITE AND BLUE.
This disco will be to help us to raise funds for our lovely year 6s - we want to see them off with a bang!
Our goal is to raise £2,000!!!
All disco funds will be ear marked for this 'pot' and we will help the year 6s to raise the rest!