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Gladiators.... READY!!

This year for Children in Need, staff at Nelson Academy went the extra mile to entertain the students with a gladiator themed contest. We saw Mrs Wilson as 'Wandle Woman' who took part in a challenge with her phonics fairies. We had the 'Sumo Tsunami', Miss Payne and Mrs Melia, take on the 'Eco Warrior' Mrs Boyes, in a rubbish challenge. We also saw Big Bad Bidder take on Ninja Nyarko in the Pugel stick spelling contest. The sounds of the children cheering and laughing could be heard all around the building and the costumes worn by the staff will be talked about for a long time! 

The children looked amazing, dressed up in either their pudsey related clothing, or by wearing something yellow or spotty. We raised a whopping £350 for charity, so a big thank you to all those who donated money.

We also had a visit from BBC Radio Norfolk who did a live broadcast from the school. Click the link below to hear the interview.